Baretta M92FS

I made this using a toy pistol from Asda that I purchased for around £3. I began by removing the batteries as the sound effects were unrealistic and it is easier to add them in post production along with a muzzle flash. Included in the packaging was also a silencer that when screwed into the barrel, it would depress a button causing an altered sound to play when the trigger is pulled. I drilled a hole in the front of the silencer so it appeared to have a barrel and not just a cap over the end.

I then applied a coat of primer before I then I applied a coat of matte black paint. Once dry I hand painted the grip to appear to be made of a brown leather. I then masked this off as I added some silver dry-brushing to add some weathering and add a more realistic feel to the prop.

The final step was to add a coat of matte sealant to protect the paint.